Monday, February 20, 2012

Remember To Place The Readers Above All Else

As you develop your news-release copy, always read it from a potential customer’s perspective. Being able to present the biggest and best benefits to the readers is the secret to making the people who read your news release want to buy your product or service.

The copy that you present to the editors has to explain all of the benefits of your product or service. It should cater to the wants and needs of the end user, the person who will actually purchase the product.
If you can cater to that end user’s wants, needs, and desires in a way that excites them and gets them to picture themselves enjoying the benefits of your product or service, you have then discovered how to make sure that the people who read your news release buy your product or service!

Some editors and writers for publications seem to have negativity towards capitalism and capitalistic people. They are not in business to help people build their own businesses; they have other things that they consider much more important than helping you. It is the readers they concern themselves with. Therefore, you should concern yourself with their readers.

You not only want your story read, you also want it remembered so vividly that you will receive inquiries as a result. Just telling people who you are will not pay the rent!

You want action from your publicity, you want to “stir up the soup” and get things hot and moving. If your No. 1 priority is to be famous, plaster your name on billboards. If you want to be rich - then there is one thing that you must do - and keep on have to make a strong case for your product or service.

You have to think of it almost as if it wasn’t necessarily a product or service. Look at it as if you are a trial lawyer trying to convince a jury and a judge to believe you. You need more than enough evidence of why your product or service is good.

We feel that this is one of the best things we can teach people. One of the smartest marketing people in the world taught it to us, and now we are trying to teach it to you. Everybody’s out there making a case for their products and services right now.

The world is full of companies that are trying to prove how great they are. The world is full of companies trying to show how great the benefits of doing business with them are. You have to do more than the other people that are out there if you want to get rich. You have to go to great lengths.
This is, in fact, a lot easier than some people allow themselves to believe. We commonly tell people that when they are thinking up ways to write their ads, they should try to come up with at least one hundred specific benefits that their product or service can potentially give the customers.

Somewhere in that list there will be some great benefits, and some of the benefits in that list won’t be very good. But they have a list of one hundred benefits, and that is more than enough benefits to build a good ad around.

You have to make a strong case for your product or service because no one is going to buy it if there aren’t strong compelling reasons to buy it. And to increase your chances of having the strongest case possible, you have to have as many great things to tell them about the product as you can.

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